Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cooking adventures

This post is not about my baking. Don't worry, it is about food. But food made by my beloved sister, R :)

Lately, she's been very adventurous in the kitchen and boy does she cook! She made these three dishes and they are delicious! Quick, fuss-free and great for the exam period.

So first up, she made tuna onigiri.

Aren't they cute? The secret to a great onigiri is to use sushi rice. We also added Japanese rice seasoning for extra flavour. We discovered that you have to wet your hands completely before molding them into triangles. Otherwise, the rice will stick to your hands. And when they stick, they will stick real bad.

Up next, is Japanese okonomiyaki.

Bacon, cabbage and a generous helping of tonkatsu sauce and japanese mayonnaise. Always use Japanese mayonnaise. It will give the okonomiyaki a sweeter but also savoury flavour. You taste less oil and egg yolk.

Then her most recent creation is whole-milk pancakes.

So yes, whole milk can also make pancakes fluffy. The key to a fluffy pancake is to leave the batter cooking until holes appear on the surface and then flip it. Refrain from patting on the pancake and LEAVE it ALONE until both sides are brown. Patting them may burst the air bubbles that are essential to their fluffiness. Getting an even colour is more tricky. What R found was that the pan must not be too hot. You will know that it is when you add butter and it starts to spit.

It was just recently that R started to cook. It goes to show that it's never too late to start and that practice does make perfect. Or close to it :)

Onigiri on Foodista


  1. jap foodd.... droollsssss..... n nice looking pancakes.. well done "R" ;)

  2. Yum! I love your pastries but that tuna onigiri looks so good!I should try making one of them soon.I came across your blog from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide our readers to your site if you won't mind.Just add your choice of foodista widget to this post and it's all set, Thanks!

  3. Hi Alisa, sure, I've added your widget to the post. Thanks :) Yeah, onigiris make quick and delicious meals. Have fun making yours :)



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